Senin, 30 Januari 2012


Manny couple in anime right ... ?
now im gonna show you best couple in anime !!!

Ready ... Set ... GO!!!

1. Shouta Kazehaya and Sawako Kuronuma
      Sawako Kuronuma
Sawako is a shy yet honest girl who is in search of friendship, but her resemblance to horror film character Sadako makes this difficult. Sawako's modesty prevents her from correcting people's misconceptions, to the point that most of the school believes her name is, in fact, "Sadako." Thanks to Kazehaya's kind and open nature, she is able to gradually open up to her classmates, and talk to different people. Her modesty towards friends is so strong that Yoshida has to tell her point-blank, that "Did you know? Without realizing it ... we were already friends!" With help from Kazehaya, Yano and Yoshida she gradually begins to make friends. She is grateful to (and at first, idolizes) Kazehaya for giving her the opportunities to make close friends, which come to include Yano, Yoshida, Kazehaya and Ryu. Yano and Yoshida admit that Sawako's 'like' to Kazehaya might be even more than Yano and Yoshida themselves. She is rather short, in part because her father is short as well (he is only 160 cm tall), but she is surprisingly fast (to the point some people believe she is teleporting) which is revealed during a soccer match at the school's sports festival. A running gag is that she seems to take what people say seriously as well as over-analyze a situation, which tends to scare the people around her when she is deep in thought. When Kazehaya practically confessed right in front of her that he likes her, she believes it was a misunderstanding and that he was just saying he simply likes her as a friend. However, after having everything cleared up, they officially start dating, though this only brings up rumors that she somehow used black magic to get him

Shouta Kazehaya

Kazehaya is Sawako's outgoing and friendly classmate, and is Sawako's idol. He is so popular that during middle school, so many girls liked him that they formed a "Kazehaya is Everyone's" alliance in order to maintain some level of peace among his admirers and more than half of these girls now attend the same high school. Kazehaya fell in love with Sawako shortly after meeting her and admits (though not to Sawako) that he likes her, unaware that she feels the same for him. During their second year of high school, he begins to wonder if she actually does like him after she does not give him chocolates on Valentine's Day, not knowing that she had been too nervous to give him any.After the ordeal, he seemingly becomes calmer and shows a depressed and expressionless face more often. However, after being confronted by Ryu (influenced by Chizuru) and Pin, Kazehaya goes to Sawako as his friends jokingly remark that he likes Sawako; however, Kazehaya takes the remark seriously and agrees, subsequently confessing directly to Sawako. However, after Sawako's misunderstanding of his confession, he believes she rejected him. However, in chapter 40, he was finally able to confess his feelings to her, and they are officially dating.Kazehaya is prone to become easily jealous over and protective of Sawako, and deeply treasures her.

2. Misaki Ayuzawa and Usui Takumi

Misaki Ayuzawa

Misaki is the first and only girl who Usui fell in love with and they are now in a relationship as an official couple. To Misaki, Usui is a "Perverted Outer Space Alien", but this is later used as an expression of endearment rather than an insult. She is very dear to him and
he will do anything to protect her. Because of this, he swore never to tell anyone about her secret as a maid. He gets jealous easily, as he says himself, he is very possessive, and has a strong desire to monopolize Misaki when she is too close with other guys. Misaki and Usui have their second kiss in chapter 32, as Misaki finally realizes her feelings for Usui. They also kiss in chapters 37, 45, 51, 57, 59 , 64 and 66. In chapter 57, they officially become a couple

Takumi Usui
(碓氷 拓海Usui Takumi) is the male lead of Kaichou wa Maid Sama and also, as of chapter 57, Misaki Ayuzawa's boyfriend. He is also the first person to find out Misaki's secret, but he kept quiet about it so that he is the only one who knew. When Misaki confronted him about this, he claims that it is his own private amusement, but the truth is that he was merely being respectful of the fact that she wanted to keep it hidden. He falls in love with Misaki, as becomes evident when he kisses her and confesses in episode 4, but is constantly being pushed away. He follows her around a lot, and never leaves or gives up on her even when she hits him or tells him, "I hate you". He is often referred to by Misaki as the "perverted outer-space alien". Still, he's often flirting with her, causing her an evident blush and an angry reaction

3. Romeo and Juliet
(Jurietto Faimatta Arusutu/Asutu Kapiuretto) also known as Odin, was once the princess of the Capulet House, rulers of Neo Verona, but her world changed when the Montagues had overthrown her family. She now lives with a small group of rebels who plan to take Lord Montague down. Ordered to conceal her gender, to avoid recognition, she takes the disguise of a young man named Odin. Juliet, however, can't stand to watch people get hurt by the Montagues, so she donnes a third personality, the Red Whirlwind, who fights for the people of Neo Verona.
Romeo Cendorei De Montagu is the only son of both Leontes van de Montague and Portia Clemenzia De Ebe. Unlike other nobel's, Romeo is not selfish or spoiuld. He rejects his name and the way his father rains over Neo Varona.
4. Oga Tatsumi and Aoi Kunieda
Aoi Kunieda
Out of all the characters in the series, Oga treats Kunieda the nicest the most. Oga first met Kunieda at the park for his park debut. (She was in disguise). During the time, Oga asked Kunieda to go out with him. At first, she thought that it was to ask her out on a date. Only to realized that he meant to help him out with his park debut. Early in the series, Oga wanted to give Baby Beel to someone that is stronger. Kunieda caught his attention and wanted to give Beel to her, but Kunieda believes that Oga is trying to advance with her and thought it was love. He is nicer to her when she is in disguise (Kunie Aoi) such as helping her and buying her ice cream, probably because Oga has a fresher view on Kunie Aoi than Kunieda Aoi, the fact that when they first met in school, she immediately starts a fight with him. Due to his dense personality, he fails to realize that Kunieda has a crush on him and that she and Kunie Aoi are the same person. As the series progresses, he and Kunieda starts to be together more and more and starts conversing more than in the past. Oga seems to take care of Kunieda when she gets drunk, proving that he is very caring towards her.
Oga tatsumi
Aoi Kunieda has a crush on Oga ever since she had met him in the park, when Aoi was in her disguise. She is seen showing her shyness around Oga or blushing whenever she is talking to him. Oga though seems to be friendlier towards Aoi who is in her disguise, he even invites her to go get some ice cream in one chapter. In chapter 113 Oga (Beelzebub) hugs her making her blush. Oga is also the only person she quickly forgives after she gets mad. When Oga and Kunieda were having a fight up on the roof, she thought that Oga went to Ne-Ne and Chiaki and beat them to unconsciousness. However, after finding out the truth, she quickly forgives him saying that it was her fault. She also tends to lecture Oga after he does or say something that is either rude or almost giving out information about demons. For example, when Oga was giving Kunieda a ride home on his bike, he and Baby Beel were yelling out to get stronger, only for Kunieda to tell them to be quiet as it was rude for the neighbors. Or when Oga was telling Teimu's Shadow Force Gang about Baby Beel's demon praying dance, she quickly takes Oga to the side and lectures him about being careful to what he says about demons. As the series progresses, Oga and Kunieda starts to be together more and more, and her feelings for Oga starts to be stronger and stronger as she quickly starts to think what others think about her and Oga being together. (For example, when on the ship to Decapitation Island, an old lady says they look like a newly wed couple going on a trip together, causing her to blush.) She also gets jealous of Hilda for example when furuichi tells everyone about Hilda and Oga taking baths and sleep together, and when people refer to Hilda and Oga as a couple, when they are training in Decapitation Island they are forced to fight each other and diferent from the first time Oga fights Aoi for real, and she asks him in her mind if he is doing this to save Hilda and says he is making her jealous.